
< 2024 >
  • 06
    August 6, 2024

    Bingo Fun at Living Springs Church

    9:30 AM-2:00 PM
    Living Springs Church Airdrie
    2304 Yankee Valley Blvd SW, Airdrie, Alberta

    About this event

    Come out and enjoy some bingo games where everyone wins!! indoor table games, please bring your own lunch and drink.

    A $5 admission fee for this event helps sustain our AAC programming.


    At Airdrie Abilities Centre, we ask that every person shows kindness and respect. Abusive behavior will result in removal from premises. Thank you.

  • 07
    August 7, 2024

    Windwood Music Festival Event

    10:00 AM-1:00 PM

    Come out to Crossfield Baptist Church and enjoy the Wind Wood Music Festival with us from 10:30 to 11:30.
    They will be presenting a program of classical chamber music that highlights and explores the different sounds that different string instruments can make, and also the different styles of music writing that can evoke various emotions and characters. There will also be interactive components with the attendees.

    $5 fee to help sustain Airdrie Abilities Centre, as well donations are accepted.

  • 08
    August 8, 2024

    Sweet Life Saskatoons U-Pick Farm Tour

    10:00 AM-2:00 PM
    Sweet Life Saskatoons U-Pick
    West Highway 567 and North on 772

    Come out and enjoy a tour of the beautiful Sweet Life Saskatoons Farm and experience some taste testing!

    Please bring a lunch. If you wish to pick, it’s only $5 for participant’s small bag of berries (other activities will be planned as well).

    Come gather with AAC.
    Pick some berries and explore this beautiful place.





  • 09
    August 9, 2024

    Bowling with Friends (New Time 1 to 2:30 PM) (Arrive @ 12:50)

    1:00 PM-2:30 PM
    Shamrock Lanes
    3-805 East Lake Bv NE, Airdrie, Alberta

     Doors open at 12:50, get in and signed up for your lane and ready to go for 1.

    Come out and enjoy two games for $4 per game! Meet friends and have some fun at this gathering!

    At Airdrie Abilities Centre, we ask that every person shows kindness and respect. Abusive behavior will result in removal from premises. Thank you.

  • 12
    August 12, 2024

    AAC Get Together at Venue Location & Karaoke

    9:30 AM-2:00 PM
    Living Springs Church Airdrie
    2304 Yankee Valley Blvd SW, Airdrie, Alberta

    Come out and enjoy some activities, Karaoke with Kiss Productions, sing-alongs with Steve from the RCMP Special Detachment, and enjoy some table games, please bring your own lunch and drink.

    A $5 admission fee for this event helps sustain our AAC programming.

    At Airdrie Abilities Centre, we ask that every person shows kindness and respect. Abusive behavior will result in removal from premises. Thank you.