AAC Annual Christmas Party- Town & Country Centre- Airdrie Lynn Royle / 12/13/2023 View Calendar 18/12/2024 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM Town & Country Centre Phone:(403) 389-3263Website:https://www.airdrie.ca/index.cfm?serviceID=1936 [{"latlong":["",""],"zoom":9,"infow":"<\/span><\/div>\n\t\t <\/label>\n\t\t 18\/12\/2024 <\/span> 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM<\/span><\/div>","google_map_url":"","name":"AAC Annual Christmas Party- Town & Country Centre- Airdrie"}] Come out and celebrate Christmas with Airdrie Abilities Centre. Let's share a meal and have a good time. $5 participation fee in order to sustain Airdrie Abilities Centre. Thank you. PLEASE PRE-REGISTER WITH EVENTBRITE (REGISTER HERE). Thank you!